Winning the war for AI talent

Everywhere you turn, there’s another news story emphasizing the impact artificial intelligence will have on the enterprise this year. Along with that are headlines screaming about Silicon Valley giants siphoning off talent at a time when machine learning has become a huge driver in the battle for digital transformation dominance. So if you’re looking to…

IDG Contributor Network: The strategy journey

What is your book about? The book is a guidance system full of templates, tools, case study examples and expertise from many industries thought leaders and practitioners, on how to build the foundations or architecture that unpin the growth, sustainability and ongoing transformation of a business and organisation in the current digital ecosystem. Who is…

8 early warning signs of IT disaster

There may be something rotten in your IT department, and if you don’t deal with it soon you could have a disaster on your hands. Things may look fine now. But the warning signs are already there; you just haven’t noticed them yet. The network is suddenly glitchy, simple problems are taking longer to fix,…