10 hard truths of change management

The days of one-off change management initiatives are over. Rather than tackle organizational change management with an end in mind, IT leaders and their organizations must now exist in an environment of persistent flux.  “In this era of continuous disruption, the goal should not be to build an organization that reacts quickly to change. Nor…

Broadcom Software 2022 Predictions

By Andy Nallappan, Chief Technology Officer and Head of Software Business Operations, Broadcom Software As the end of 2021 approached, the process of digital acceleration remains in a world turned upside down by a lingering global pandemic. Even if Covid-19 recedes from the headlines, ongoing digital transformation at scale looks set to continue to accelerate…

Huawei talks tech at MWC 2022: Green Intelligent OptiX Network brings digital transformation to enterprises

With data center traffic doubling on a global basis every two years and digital transformation increasing the burden placed upon traditional corporate networks, the argument for shifting to next generation passive optical networks continues to grow stronger. What Mobile World Congress made clear is that these solutions have now reached the point at which large-scale…

How Integrated Communications Can Save Healthcare

Unpredictable shifts  The COVID-19 pandemic brought to light many inefficiencies and blind spots in the global workforce, particularly in the realm of healthcare. Jobs that formerly required employees to be at a certain place by a specific time five-days-per-week were transformed almost overnight. Relying on previously unused or underused technology, businesses experienced a paradigm shift,…

IT Leadership as a Data-First Change Agent

The importance of data-driven insights may dominate C-level discussions, but evolving IT culture and business workflows that can successfully harness that data is less about talk and more about iterative action. The good news: IT leaders are well positioned to play that role. But to serve as effective change agents, CIOs and IT leaders need…