Q&A: Empowering agile beyond IT at Fannie Mae

CIO is the seventh title Ramon Richards has held at Fannie Mae, a leading source of financing for mortgages in the US. The latest promotion came in August 2021 for Richards, who is in his 23rd year with the company. I recently spoke with Richards to learn about the technology and business transformation under way…

CIO 100 US: 9 award-winning government IT projects

Government entities around the globe are contending with the same demands and opportunities facing private-sector organizations. Public-sector agencies and institutions report increasing demand from constituents, employees, and their partners for more digital services, faster responses, and seamless experiences. And, like their commercial counterparts, government IT leaders are boosting their use of technology to deliver. For…

The experience economy, the ecosystem mandate, and why API design may be the key to competitive advantage

How do you compete in a world where the experience is everything, and no organization stands alone? In the not-so-distant past, enterprise executives had the “luxury” of just worrying about producing and delivering a great product. In today’s experience economy, it’s not so simple. The modern consumer and business customer demand an experience that is…

Rethinking Network Monitoring in a Work-from-Anywhere World

In 1921, William Butler Yeats wrote “the centre cannot hold,” describing a moment society reached a technological and social turning point. Fast forward roughly 100 years, and the world is in a similar state of transformation. Businesses across industries are decentralizing, as traditional, centrally-managed systems are giving way to distributed models accelerated by new technology.…

PGA of America swings for the public cloud

The PGA of America is building a world-class resort with multiple golf courses and retail shops near Dallas, due to be complete next year. That’s just one major drive under way by the nonprofit golf association, which is also delivering myriad tournaments and events, special services, and classes to its 28,000 members, a roster including…

7 traits of inspirational IT leaders

All successful CIOs know how to instruct, motivate, energize, and even excite their teams. Yet only a relative handful of IT leaders can truly be described as inspirational figures, capable of leading their teams to goals that collegues at other enterprises can only dream about. CIOs who are purposefully positive and responsible, with a focus…