It’s Go Time for Real-time Data

By Thomas Been, Chief Marketing Officer, DataStax The concept of real-time data has been around for a while. “Reactive apps” were promoted in the early 2000s as the next big thing that would drive customized experiences for customers and increase enterprise competitiveness. Back then, it was a great vision–but it was just that, a vision.…

Comment Sherif Sheta dirige les TI pour maintenir le Canada à la fine pointe des sciences de la vie

L’une des principales préoccupations d’un DSI est de s’assurer que les services informatiques et le personnel d’une entreprise travaillent main dans la main à la poursuite des objectifs globaux de l’organisation. Mais selon Sherif Sheta, DSI du Centre pour la commercialisation de la médecine régénérative (CCRM), les directeurs des services informatiques deviennent tellement absorbés par…

5 ITSM hurdles and how to overcome them

Done right, IT service management (ITSM) reduces IT asset and management costs, increases employee productivity and satisfaction, and gives management insights into how IT resources are being used to help the business. ITSM is the policies and procedures for designing and delivering IT services to end users. It extends beyond IT support or help desk…