Bridging the gap between legacy tools and modern threats: Securing the cloud today

The cloud will become a cornerstone of enterprise operations as IDC estimates that by 2025, there will be over 750 million cloud-native applications globally. Additionally, over 90% of organizations anticipate employing a multi-cloud approach over the next few years. Considering the cloud offers unparalleled flexibility, scalability, and agility, these numbers should be unsurprising. However, the…

Así integra H&M la tecnología en sus tiendas

Hace poco más de un año, el departamento de TI de H&M sufrió una fuerte reducción de personal como consecuencia de las restricciones de costes. En un principio se habló de recortar de 3.500 a 1.500 trabajadores, pero al final no tuvo que ser tan severo, según Ellen Svanström, CDIO de H&M. “El programa de…

Is your data ready for AI? CIOs lack answers

As CIOs and other tech leaders face pressure to adopt AI, many organizations are still skipping a crucial first step for successful deployments: putting their data house in order. Despite warnings going back at least six years, many CIOs fail to collect and organize the vast amount of data their organizations continuously generate, according to…

AI is key player in Texas Rangers’ winning formula

Few sports are so closely associated with data analytics as baseball. For more than 160 years, statisticians have tried to represent the game numerically. In 2015, Major League Baseball revolutionized a sport already known for its sophisticated use of data with MLB Statcast, a tracking technology that collects enormous amounts of game data. Alexander Booth,…