Redefining the Role of IT in a Modern BI World

IntroductionSince its inception decades ago, the primary objective of business intelligence has been the creation of a top-down single source of truth from which organizations would centrally track KPIs and performance metrics with static reports and dashboards. This stemmed from the proliferation of data in spreadsheets and reporting silos throughout organizations, often yielding different and…

What CIOs get wrong about optimization

As a CIO a lot of what you do is to design stuff, and that’s when you aren’t overseeing other people who design stuff. Or when you aren’t making sure the stuff everyone’s designing fits together the way it should. There are some universal rules that govern good design no matter what’s being designed. The…

Comment les DSI peuvent s’inspirer des 5C de Mastercard pour bâtir leurs équipes informatiques

Tout indique que cette vision construite autour des « 5C » (pour Community, Common vision, Cross-functional, Culture et Cutting edge) fonctionne. Seulement deux ans après son ouverture à Vancouver, les 230 employés du Centre d’excellence international de Mastercard en matière de renseignements et de cybercriminalité ont déjà soumis 30 brevets, et certains de leurs produits sont en…

How democratized technology is redefining the CIO landscape

Technological disruptions continue to redefine the CIO role within corporations. As innovators and value creators, CIOs are charged with managing developments like low-code/no-code (LCNC), which is revolutionizing user-generated innovation by enabling people with little to no coding experience, or “citizen developers,” to quickly and easily deliver new capabilities on demand without having to rely on…

CIO Leadership Live with Tim Martin, CTO at Audible

Tim Martin, CTO at Audible, joins host Maryfran Johnson for this CIO Leadership Live interview, jointly produced by and the CIO Executive Council. They discuss business resiliency, digital media competition, customer behavior pivots and more. Watch this episode: Listen to this episode: Careers, CIO, CIO Leadership Live Read More from This Article: CIO…

The Building Blocks of Cloud Strategy

As organizations accelerate their cloud migrations, they need both a strategy and a strategic partner, according to the Foundry 2022 Cloud Computing Study. For example, despite their accelerated investments with multiple cloud service providers, 59% of EMEA IT leaders said they do not consider any of them a strategic partner. The partnership capabilities they are…