Peak Preparedness: How Technology Allows Insurers to Manage Sudden Changes in Demand

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, it shook every industry to the core, but especially and dramatically affected health insurers. Like other businesses, they had to switch to remote working practically overnight. In addition, they faced an onslaught of claims and initial uncertainty about cost and payments for antibody testing, evolving treatments, and, later, vaccines. Deluged…

Fight Cloud Jacking by Slashing Complexity

For today’s enterprise, there is a very legitimate argument that cloud security architecture is the single most important part of a CISO’s operation. Enterprises have been consistently shifting more and more of their intellectual property to the cloud for the better part of a decade, and the pandemic and resulting remote work environment forced a…

Computer Vision Is Transforming the Transportation Industry, Making It Safer, More Efficient and Improving the Bottom Line

Computer vision is helping to reshape the transportation industry at every level from streamlining the passenger experience to preemptive fleet maintenance to fuel optimization. As the transportation industry continues to evolve, converging technologies such as 5G and powerful edge compute will enable the next generation of prescriptive and adaptive data-driven outcomes benefiting passengers, the industry…

15 most misused buzzwords in IT

Every profession has its own collection of abbreviations, acronyms, catchphrases, and jargon that serve as shorthand for their techniques and tools. IT is no different. Yet, unlike other disciplines, the language of IT tends to spill out across the enterprise and society itself. There are ads praising cloud computing and data-driven decision-making. People routinely praise…

The top 10 IT outsourcing service providers

Everest Group’s annual ranking of the top IT service providers saw some movement this year compared to last, but one thing that remained unchanged was Accenture’s place at the top of the list. In fact, it was the sixth year in a row that the $50.5 billion firm was recognized as the overall leading service…

Data Management on the Cloud Leveraging AWS

The history of data can be divided into two eras: pre-big data and post-big data. In the pre-big data era, data was mostly structured and exchanged between enterprises through standard mechanisms such as network data mover (NDM). The need for near real-time insights was limited, and data extraction and transformation were batch-oriented and scheduled during…