7 tips for getting out of a bad vendor contract

Like death, taxes and network downtime, bad contracts are a fact of life for most IT leaders. Deals that once seemed fair and equitable can sour over time for various reasons, such as the availability of a better or lower-cost technology or a vendor’s reluctance to live up to contract requirements. “Most often, there’s a…

How Salesforce’s Tableau acquisition will impact IT

Salesforce.com’s $15.7 billion bid for Tableau Software has many organizations wondering how the proposed acquisition will impact their operations. According to industry analysts, it all depends on how your enterprise makes use of their respective platforms. Users of Salesforce’s CRM platform have all subscribed to its software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, putting their data in the cloud…

6 tools that make data science easier

Data science may never be easy but it’s getting easier to dive in. Buzzwords like “machine learning,” “regression,” and “dimensionality reduction” are just as challenging to understand as ever, but the widespread desire to reap the benefits of these techniques has resulted in several good tools that create assembly lines for data that are ready…

CIOs must play a key role in ecosystem strategies

Ecosystems often conjure childhood images of animals and plants working together. These essential symbiotic relationships taught us the importance of balance, inter-dependence, and supply and demand. Within our modern work environment, more companies are beginning to realize the competitive advantages of altering their solo strategy for one that embraces ecosystems as a method of bringing…

Mastercard braces for retail's AI-fueled future

The rise of cashless and cardless retail transactions suggests consumers are growing comfortable with paying for products from accounts linked to portable devices. How quickly these commerce modalities go mainstream is an open question, but Mastercard is leaving nothing to chance. The global payment network is not only preparing for digital commerce ruled by recommendation…