How CareSource IT is addressing data interoperability challenges in healthcare

One key challenge facing the healthcare industry today is the inability to easily access and share electronic medical information between healthcare providers, clinicians, and patients. This is a significant problem because sharing data between clinical systems and providing patients with easy access to their information enables them to make better-informed decisions and, subsequently, supports improving…

3 things that make a CIO-CFO dream team

“There are plenty of good CIOs and plenty of good CFOs,” says Jim McGittigan, Research VP in the CIO Research group of Gartner. “Part of what makes them good is they understand one another. When they work well together, it has a huge impact on the effectiveness of the organization.” CIOs and CFOs who have…

Taking IT outsourcing to the next level

With businesses increasingly dependent on service providers to reduce costs, improve quality, and drive innovation, traditional contracts don’t work. In fact, they often undermine the partner-like relationships and trust needed to cope with external uncertainty. A better approach is to use what leading academics call a “formal relational contract.” Why transactional contracts are a thing…

8 best practices for building a single-vendor SASE solution

Over the past three or four years, the industry has been abuzz with the concept of delivering converged security and networking features via the cloud. Secure Access Service Edge combines networking solutions like SD-WAN with cloud-delivered security like firewall as a service (FWaaS), cloud access security broker(CASB), and secure web gateway (SWG). But even with all the hype, most considered SASE as something…

What’s the state of Zero Trust security?

Zero Trust adoption is accelerating, with over half of organizations reporting they have adopted Zero Trust Security, according to research independently conducted by leading security research firm Ponemon Institute, sponsored by Hewlett Packard Enterprise. In the report, The 2023 Global Study on Closing the IT Security Gap: Addressing Cybersecurity Gaps from Edge to Cloud, 51% of organizations…