RPA is poised for a big business break-out

Software that automates basic tasks is catching hold in large enterprises, where CIOs are seeking to inject greater efficiency into business processes. Called robotic process automation (RPA), the technology enables IT departments to use a piece of software, called a “robot,” to perform routine tasks, such as generating an automatic response to an email, or…

How to manage IT risk without killing innovation

Startup slogans are inescapable in tech: Move fast. Break things. Minimum viable product. These are exciting ideas, for sure, but to put them to use in IT, you’ll need to tailor them to your context. For IT executives running established businesses, the risk-reward scenario is different. Thousands or millions of customers depend on your infrastructure.…

CIOs reveal their artificial intelligence strategies

Artificial intelligence (AI) has captured the human imagination for millennia. According to Greek myth, Hephaestus, blacksmith of the gods, forged the gigantic bronze automaton Talos to safeguard the isle of Crete. Talos was animated with ichor, an ethereal fluid that flowed like blood in the gods’ veins. The metal colossus hunted pirates and invaders with…

The biggest AI startup deals of 2018

The biggest AI startup deals of 2018 Image by Peter Sayer/IDG Total investments in U.S. venture-capital backed artificial intelligence companies topped $1.9 billion in the first quarter of 2018, the highest ever. Some of the biggest checks were written for robotic process automation, autonomous vehicles, and predictive analytics, according to the MoneyTree report by PricewaterhouseCoopers…