How TIAA invests in women in IT

Women make up less than twenty percent of the technology workforce. We need not discuss the many downsides to this low number; our time is better spent working to improve it. Rahul Merchant is doing just that. He is executive sponsor of TIAA’s IT Women’s Council, a multi-faceted employee resource program at the $6B financial…

IDG Contributor Network: Shift your focus from technology acquisition to real solutions and outcomes

Approach technology decisions from the standpoint of what solution you are trying to bring to bear upon a particular business problem. The solution is the approach to each business issue.  The approach may involve multiple specific technology products, but the solution mindset sets forth how those technology products should be integrated to provide the answer to…

What is Kanban? Workflow management simplified

Kanban definition Kanban is a simplified workflow management system aimed at achieving efficiency and agility in the production process. While it is commonly used in software development, Kanban focuses on gradual improvement in every area of the business — not just IT. Developed in Japan by Toyota in the early 1940s, Kanban is not designed…

IDG Contributor Network: 5 technical capabilities required in modern enterprise data strategies

Creating a data strategy a decade ago was relatively easy compared to today. Back then, database experts debated the capabilities and performance of relational databases from Oracle, Microsoft and IBM, or whether to use open source databases like MySQL and PostgresSQL. A minority of enterprises explored NoSQL databases including document stores, key-value databases and columnar…

FedEx Cloud Dojo accelerates digital transformation

One of the nagging challenges IT leaders face is cultivating enough talent to adopt and implement cloud services, so they often resort to poaching from other companies or scouring universities for engineers schooled in modern computing skills. But that piecemeal approach can take precious years that companies can’t spare. FedEx is trying a different tack:…

6 strategies for avoiding cloud vendor lock-in

In an ideal business world, enterprises would forge strategic partnerships with their cloud services providers that lead to prosperity for all involved. It doesn’t always work out that way, however. Things change over time, and in many cases the relationship between the customer and its cloud provider does not evolve to account for that change.…

IDG Contributor Network: The 5 ways strategic partnerships fuel uncommon growth

Today, the shift toward partner-driven growth can be seen almost everywhere, with businesses of all sizes, and across all verticals. Enterprises are actively assessing suppliers’ ability to become partners, certifying those that qualify and then — together — experiencing massive gains. If your business has been on the fence about building your own partnership program,…