Maximise device lifecycles

In today’s business environment, where IT budgets are tight and sustainability is paramount, striking a balance between financial and environmental objectives is crucial. HP understands this challenge and offers a suite of services designed to help companies maximise their technology ROI while reducing their environmental footprint. HP’s approach goes beyond mere sustainability; it’s about driving…

Simple, secure device retirement

Is your IT service provider’s warehouse overrun by your depreciating end-of-life IT assets, and they don’t know what to do with them? Do your work-from-home and on-the-go employees have old devices lying around collecting dust and posing a security risk? Retire devices securely and responsibly—and also fund future upgrades by extracting value from those existing…

Renault Group strengthens decarbonisation commitment

Renault Group is committed to taking actions that help reduce its carbon footprint. By using HP IT Asset Disposition Service, the company’s end-of-use devices are securely collected, sanitised, and restored or responsibly recycled by HP. Through these efforts, Renault Group is accelerating its sustainability goals and contributing towards the circular economy. 2021 saw the launch…

Bringing zero downtime to anywhere work

In a work-from-anywhere world, how can a team of so few be expected to keep doing so much for so many? The pace is unsustainable. It’s time for IT to enlist some support of its own and delegate—handing off time-consuming tasks to people and to intelligent, automated tools.   Partnering with an experienced IT services provider…

Ericsson provides 5G solutions to hybrid workforce

Founded as a telephony business in Stockholm in 1876, Ericsson is a provider of wireless and 5G services to telecoms operators worldwide and is currently investing heavily in cloud-based enterprise solutions. At the same time, the business’s basic principles remain unchanged.   “Our culture is very much based on technology and innovation,” says Henrik Thunell, Global…

Stay ahead of security threats to support hybrid work

HP Print Security Software Solutions provide simplified secure print management to the distributed workforce, reducing security risks, improving IT efficiencies, and enhancing employee experiences. These solutions help protect data and documents, control user access, and extend modern authentication to print.  Embrace modern identity management and access control  Benefits from mobile-driven authentication flows with multifactor and…

딥시크發 AI 충격··· 빅테크 CEO들 “오히려 기회다”

딥시크가 기존 빅테크 기업보다 더 적은 인프라와 비용으로 AI 모델을 개발하고, 오픈AI 대비 90% 저렴한 서비스를 제공하면서 미국 중심 빅테크 기업의 경쟁력이 재평가되는 것이다. 특히 엔비디아가 큰 타격을 받았다. 딥시크의 저비용 AI 모델이 고성능 GPU 수요 감소 우려를 촉발하며 엔비디아의 주가는 일시적으로 17%까지 급락하기도 했다. 이런 상황에서 주요 AI 기업 수장들은 딥시크의 등장을 긍정적으로 평가하고…

AI 방정식 바뀔 수도··· CIO를 위한 ‘딥시크’ 체크포인트

중국 AI 스타트업 딥시크(DeepSeek)가 공개한 오픈소스 버전 추론 모델 딥시크-R1(DeepSeek-R1)의 충격파가 거세다. 이 스타트업은 자사의 모델이 오픈AI의 o1 생성적 사전 훈련 트랜스포머(GPT)보다 성능이 우수하다고 주장했다. 이 소식이 전해준 이후 엔비디아의 시가총액은 27일 6,000억 달러 하락했다. 가트너에 따르면, 딥시크의 혁신적 측면은 훨씬 낮은 수준의 하드웨어와 여타 자원을 사용하면서도 다른 선도적 LLM과 비슷한 성능을 제공한다는 데 있다.…