How Schneider Electric grooms 'digital experts' to spark transformation

Any industrial manufacturer knows that securing its future requires tackling digital disruption head-on. As more machines become connected via sensors, Bluetooth, WiFi, and other technologies, manufacturers who don’t get ahead of the internet of things (IoT) curve will swiftly fall behind. That’s the attitude Schneider Electric’s management is instilling in the French company’s 145,000 employees,…

10 traits of highly effective teams

The importance of teams Image by Getty Images If science fiction is to be believed, humans in the future have learned to build highly effective teams. You can’t go into outer space – and survive – if your team is dysfunctional. The crews of the Enterprise(every iteration) on Star Trek, the Rocinante in the The Expanse,…

Top 10 GRC mistakes — and how to avoid them

Governance, risk and compliance (GRC) — the very words cause groans among employees and leadership alike. They conjure thoughts of expansive spreadsheets and endless meetings where acronyms like KRIs and KPIs are bandied about. Quite often, GRC exercises are seen as a waste of time or the purview of the CFO and internal audit. But…

IDG Contributor Network: Novartis succeeds in managing IT modernization journey with two-team approach

Many companies find they need to undertake IT modernization to support later digital transformation to create new competitive advantage. They recognize that IT and shared service groups must modernize so they can respond more effectively and quickly to the business needs. However, it’s a mistake to approach IT modernization with the same approach as traditional…