SASE delivers secure modern working for IVE Group

The Modern enterprise needs to use tools that are secure, easy to access and maintain while supporting complex functions in a fast-moving business environment. One stand out need driving much attention is the need to provide secure modern working to users accompanied by a high quality user experience.  These two opposing forces typically create a…

Ressources limitées : pourquoi le secteur technologique canadien est en manque de talents

La pandémie a provoqué de brusques et irréversibles changements dans les modes, habitudes et lieux de travail – entraînant une demande proportionnelle de nouveaux postes et compétences. Bien entendu, la technologie est toujours au cœur du changement, notamment dans les domaines du numérique, de la cybersécurité et de l’analyse des données. Selon un rapport de…

CIO Leadership Live with Glenn Archer, visiting fellow, Australian National University

Veteran technology executive Glenn Archer speaks to CIO Australia’s editor-in-chief, Byron Connolly, about the reasons why digital transformation projects across Australian government agencies are continuing to underdeliver, the failure of agencies to collaborate and integrate their systems, as well as an over-reliance on big consulting firms. He also discusses why trust in government IT and its…

Data tokenization: A new way of data masking

While researchers examined the pandemic in relation to how companies managed to keep afloat in such an unprecedented situation, auditors assessed the increased data vulnerability, lack of data compliance, and costs incurred by such events. As businesses were forced to adapt new styles of working and adapt technologies, they struggled to meet security compliance standards…

How to get on a board of directors: 10 tips for CIOs

Serving in a board advisory role is an increasingly important experience along the career trajectory of the modern CIO. It can expand your exposure to different businesses and a diverse set of leaders and give you an opportunity to expand your critical-thinking skills. “The personal and professional networking from joining a board is tremendous. It…

A Joint Venture Revolutionizes Construction Logistics

Construction logistics have traditionally been complicated, intensive, and error-prone and, until recently, there was little indication that this was going to change. Ordering can be maddening, delivery points are often overloaded, and larger construction companies average 150,000 receipts annually. Processing those receipts has long been a challenge in itself.  Many older systems required each delivery…

Australia’s IT leadership moves 2022

Digital transformation has continued to gain space across public and private sectors. As IT is the fuel for digitisation, enterprise technology leaders are increasingly being sought after by companies. CIO Australia consistently tracks the moves of IT leaders. Here’s an update on the moves of Australian IT leaders starting from June 2022. If you want…