Top 14 ITSM tools for 2020

As technology proliferates throughout today’s digital organizations, IT service management has become a critical facet for serving the business, and the tools aimed at supporting your organization’s ITSM efforts are evolving to support those needs. ITSM tools help organizations streamline customer service, starting with the IT help desk. These suites help IT departments maintain ticketing…

How to assess soft skills before you hire

It used to be that hiring IT staff was merely hard. Finding (and landing) that complex array of technical skills remains a tall ask. But as technology becomes further entwined with the business and IT has become more customer-centric, IT positions demand not only technical know-how but also emotional intelligence, creativity, persuasiveness, adaptability, a communicative…

7 IT restructuring mistakes to avoid

How IT operates is changing constantly and rapidly. As more tech departments lead digital transformation initiatives, finding the right, new way for IT work to get done is a core, though often overlooked issue. Such forces, combined with conventional drivers such as mergers and acquisitions and cost-cutting exercises, have many CIOs restructuring their teams while…

Why seek a board seat?

Enterprise CIOs today have a double-edged opportunity at the boardroom table. One side of that opportunity is the classic role CIOs currently play as senior executives on the CEO’s team. The other side is more aspirational — but increasingly attainable — as one of the corporate directors on the board itself. For CIOs interested in…

How IT can improve the employee experience

PCs that take eight minutes to boot and make people late for conference calls. Expense reporting systems based on spreadsheets so tedious and convoluted that employees put off doing their expenses for months at a time. Internet connectivity so slow that it’s quicker for staff to look something up on their phone. Passwords that have…

For BMC, internal IT is its own best customer

Before BMC rolls out software to its customers, it rigorously tests it on the front lines — in its own IT department. That approach to hammering out the kinks in its software through in-house use is part of a company strategy that CIO Scott Crowder calls “customer zero.” “We’re looking at these issues customers have…