Looking to upskill IT staff? An LMS may be key

Learning management systems (LMS) have traditionally been used in educational settings to organize curricula, deliver content to students and track progress. But they’ve found new life in enterprise IT departments, as organizations seek to upskill workers to meet ever-evolving workplace needs. “The definition of LMS has expanded, going well beyond course management,” says Bryna Dash,…

12 signs your strategic partnership has gone wrong

Organizations working through digital transformations frequently find they need an IT partner to get there. About half of the Forbes Global 2000 companies will create alliances with tech firms by 2021, according to a recent IDC study. The IDC study predicts companies will set up partnerships and joint ventures with tech firms for software, consulting…

3 CRM use cases: Which is right for you?

Go to any customer relationship management (CRM) vendor’s website and you’ll be inundated with wondrous tales of how the CRM system can transform your business, increasing profitability and customer satisfaction at the same time. CRMs give you access to new markets, provide executives with a 360-degree view of the customer relationship, enable real-time responses to…

How Monsanto leverages startups to catalyze transformation

Like most life sciences companies, Monsanto’s business relies on continuous innovation and disruption. But despite worldwide growth, it can be difficult to maintain a pace of constant innovation and repeated technological advances, especially for large, global enterprises traditionally slower to react to market changes. Monsanto is tackling that challenge by collaborating with startups to drive…

What is CRM? Software for managing customer data

CRM definition CRM is an abbreviation for customer relationship management, a method for managing a company’s interaction with current and potential customers, and storing and analyzing data about past interactions. Management consulting company Bain defines CRM as “a process companies use to understand their customer groups and respond quickly—and at times, instantly—to shifting customer desires.” But…

Summer 2018: Changing the way we work

[ Register to download the CIO Spring 2018 Digital Magazine ] Highlights from the issue: Cover storyChanging the way we workDigital technologies are reshaping work at CIO 100 award-winning organizations, empowering employees to shift focus to higher-value activities. [ Learn from your peers: Check out our State of the CIO 2018 report on the challenges…