What is your data strategy for an AI future?

As enterprises become more data-driven, the old computing adage garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) has never been truer. The application of AI to many business processes will only accelerate the need to ensure the veracity and timeliness of the data used, whether generated internally or sourced externally. The costs of bad data Gartner has estimated…

Start your zero-trust journey with ZTNA over VPN

Zero trust is a cybersecurity framework that assumes that no user should be automatically trusted. By 2025, Gartner analysts predict that 60% of organizations1 will be adopting zero-trust principles. Yet, it can be difficult to implement a full blown zero-trust architecture because IT teams often must first retool systems and deploy many new components. Consequently, the first…

Private wireless networks – addressing IT and operational imperatives for dynamic enterprises

It’s a frustrating situation facing many organizations that are far along their “digital transformation” journeys: they want and need more and more connected devices to optimize operations and enable data-driven decision-making, but they operate in environments where it’s too hard to scale traditional Wi-fi and wired connectivity. This is an all too common challenge for…

The use cases for a private wireless networks are many and increasing

In industries such as manufacturing, logistics, transportation, agriculture, and energy exploration, extreme and ever-changing conditions illustrate the critical need for robust and reliable connectivity.  Whether an enterprise’s use cases demand 4G LTE connectivity or the unprecedented speed and low latency of 5G, private wireless networks are helping keep devices, networks, and people connected and able to…