How to Drive Sustainable, Data-First Business With HPE GreenLake

When reimagining the IT estate for data-first business, the opportunity is ripe for companies to rearchitect for a more sustainable IT environment. The benefits? Drive cost efficiencies and make headway on meeting corporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) targets, for starters. The corporate agenda has embraced sustainability, fueled by escalating environmental concerns, because it makes…

Making the most of MLOps

When companies first start deploying artificial intelligence and building machine learning projects, the focus tends to be on theory. Is there a model that can provide the necessary results? How can it be built? How can it be trained? But the tools that data scientists use to create these proofs of concept often don’t translate…

PeaSoup: The UK’s Only Cloud Provider to Use Liquid Immersion Cooling Technology Has a History of Innovation

“This initiative is not about PeaSoup as a company, marketing hype or promotion. It’s about the future, our children, and generations to come. Unless stopped, humanity’s destruction of nature will ultimately render the planet completely degraded. Climate change with extreme weather events is already occurring more frequently with great intensity. We are also radically approaching…

As a CIO, Why Should I Support an Internal Developer Portal?

Developer portals are one of the newest ideas to gain the interest of the technology community.  We’ve known for a long time that individuals and practitioner teams in companies are often the ones who drive software and infrastructure strategies in organizations. Especially with software development, the technologies that make development easiest and fastest are often…

Jetlines : cap sur les nuages

La nouvelle compagnie aérienne canadienne se dirigera droit vers les nuages lors de son vol inaugural cet été, en exploitant l’intégralité de ses TI en mode virtuel. « Tout ici est infonuagique. Nous sommes complètement « cloud ». Je n’ai absolument rien sur place, nulle part, ni en colocation », dit Robert Pope, DSI de Canada Jetlines. Le décollage…