Top 15 certifications for enterprise architects

If you’re planning a career as an enterprise architect, certifications are a great way to validate your enterprise architecture (EA) skills. As an enterprise architect, you’ll be responsible for developing the IT strategy for a business that keeps business goals in line with IT goals. Companies rely heavily on technology, so IT is now a foundational…

7 lies IT leaders should never tell

There are big lies, small lies, white lies, and boldface lies. They all have one thing in common: None should ever be used by a CIO to deceive staff, customers, or management colleagues. Lying to yourself about the state of your IT operations is one thing — and can certainly get you in trouble. But…

Working Smart in the Free Dimension

If 2020 was the year of remote work, and 2021 was the year of hybrid work, then 2022 is the year to really make hybrid work, work. In fact, Microsoft’s second Annual Work Trend Index “Great Expectations: Making Hybrid Work Work” reveals that employees are calling for a ‘Free Dimensional’ Workplace.  The survey explores changes from the…

How Value Stream Management is Fueling Digital Transformation: Real-World Examples

If you’re looking to accelerate your organization’s digital transformation, the good news is that there are some proven principles you can apply. By employing Value Stream Management (VSM), some top enterprises are now better positioned to speed their transformation—and seeing multimillion-dollar savings as well. If you’re not familiar with this concept, the basic premise is…