7 new rules for leading IT teams in the COVID era

Every successful IT project is the result of a team effort. Inspiration, enthusiasm, collaboration, brainstorming, advocacy and support are all key elements in IT innovation. But what happens to teamwork when social distancing rules drive members into COVID-19-created isolation? When circumstances force teams to work apart, IT leaders need to adopt a new set of…

The CIO Show: How much are you worth?

In this episode of ‘The CIO Show’ we take a look at the latest data on IT salaries in Australia, and discuss current trends in this most unusual of years for the sector and those working within it. Nicole Gorton, APAC director with global recruiter, Robert Half, provides a deep dive on the company’s recently…

How to build a resilient IT culture

The word ‘resilient’ is cropping up a lot lately as a cultural cornerstone for coping with the pressures the pandemic has foisted on IT. CIOs have played a significant role in enabling organization-wide remote work strategies at speed while accelerating digital initiatives central to the business in uncertain times. For many, the ability to shift…

Creating an IT culture of inclusiveness and belonging

Editor’s note: This article is the second in a four-part series on how IT leaders can effectively address systemic racism in their organizations. Start reading here or jump to the first article in the series, which lays the groundwork for effectively addressing systemic racism.  Acknowledging that systemic racism exists in our society and recognizing the many…

The CIO Show: Is the cloud really cheaper?

It’s an assumption that has been allowed to grow unchecked for some time, however the jury is officially still out on whether public cloud infrastructure is cheaper than running on-premises data centres. In this episode we talk to Nine’s chief information and technology officer Damian Cronan about his long journey managing the costs and applications…

Analytics: Your supply chain’s competitive edge

Effectively managing supply chains has perhaps never been more important for organizations. The coronavirus pandemic has created significant market distruptions, shifting the way consumers and businesses purchase products and creating challenges for manufacturers to receive the materials they need to meet demand. Some organizations are finding that data analytics and related technologies such as artificial…