Beyond the Cyber Buzzwords: What Executives Should Know About SASE

Coined in late 2019 by Neil MacDonald and Joe Skorupa of Gartner®, SASE (secure access service edge) describes a strategy that converges cybersecurity and WAN edge networking to address challenges that organizations are facing now. Specifically, organizations need to manage an ever-growing technology stack across an increasingly dynamic “service edge” that now includes branches, mobile…

Top 15 PLM vendors

Product lifecycle management (PLM) software is designed to organize the work of those who collaborate on imagining, engineering, manufacturing, documenting, and supporting the various widgets available to the world as products. It tracks workflows and ensures product teams can communicate to make the best possible wares and services. At its core, PLM software maintains a…

Future Enterprise – Series Intro

There you were — minding your own business — when 2020 came knocking. In light of the new economic reality caused by COVID, future-focused leadership has never been more important. Which is why IDC is pleased to bring you Future Enterprise, a new podcast for business and tech executives, aimed at helping you leverage technology…

Cloud Transformation: Promises and Pitfalls

By Chris DePerro The Public Cloud can sometimes feel like the old Atari game ‘Pitfall’.  On one hand you are strolling through the jungle on a great adventure trying to acquire money and complete objectives that will enhance your position. To achieve those objectives though, you must jump though fire, avoid pits, scorpions, and even…

10 Azure cost management tips

The pandemic has seen enterprises large and small embracing the cloud in droves, driven in part by the strategy’s pay-as-you-go promise, as well as the flexibility, agility, and innovation computing in the cloud can afford.   But according to a recent Gartner study, 60% of the nearly three quarters of companies that have moved some…

What is servant leadership? A philosophy for people-first leadership

Servant leadership definition Servant leadership is a leadership style that prioritizes the growth, well-being, and empowerment of employees. It aims to foster an inclusive environment that enables everyone in the organization to thrive as their authentic self. Whereas traditional leadership focuses on the success of the company or organization, servant leadership puts employees first to…