10 lies CIOs tell themselves

“O what a tangled web we weave,” explained Scottish novelist Walter Scott, “when first we practice to deceive.” But no matter how tangled the web when someone else is the target, it has nothing on the mess that happens when we’re fooling ourselves. And fool ourselves we do — not because we deliberately want to…

4 trends fueling hybrid-work strategies in 2021

If 2020 taught tech leaders anything it is to expect the unexpected, as the coronavirus exacted a considerable toll from businesses worldwide. But CIOs still have their jobs to do, driving digital strategy that provides stellar employee and customer experiences. Trends that bubbled up in the second half of 2020 — including migrations to cloud…

Customer-focused IT: A key CIO imperative, post-COVID

When you’re selling an active retirement community and medical care to seniors, high-touch, in-person interaction is the gold standard. At Erickson Living Management, prospective clients are typically courted with one-on-one tours of facilities and amenities, a walk-through of their potential residence capped off with a meal in one of the company’s many on-site restaurants. Erickson’s…

Precision transformation starts with a wide-angle lens

Chris Boyd co-authored this article. Companies today need to transform to develop new digital capabilities that will allow them to meet evolving customer preferences, grow recurring revenue, or become an AI-first organization. All these scenarios require coordinated efforts that traverse business units and functions, from product strategy to technology architecture and everything in between. Planning…

6 tips for managing your project budget

Budget overruns have always been a litmus test for project success or failure. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic made staying within budget became a bigger nightmare, with the most successful companies, and the best project managers, put to the ultimate test of prudently managing financial resources during massive uncertainty. Many stakeholders have had to reexamine…