The Benefits of Cloud-to-Cloud Backup

Good backups are critical for business continuity. Ninety-four percent of companies suffering from a catastrophic data loss do not survive, and without backups, data loss is inevitable. Need more justification for backup? We’re dealing with exponential data growth. From 2010 to 2020, the amount of data in the world increased from 1.2 trillion gigabytes (1,200…

14 API strategy gotchas to avoid

Good APIs are an essential part of good code. They’re the boundaries that developers draw when we split up projects, create libraries, and share our work. As Robert Frost said long ago, “Good fences make good neighbors.” If he were alive today, he would be writing this poem about APIs. Increasingly, good APIs are also…

4 ways to mature your digital automation strategy

It is now a given that companies need to automate offerings and operations to optimize existing processes and generate better experiences and value for customers. But businesses do not gain maximum value and efficiency simply by adding automation. Your level of maturity is what matters. Knowing your maturity level will help you identify opportunities for…

Cyber GRC: Quantifying Risk in Monetary Terms

Risk. Do you think of it as something negative – or as an opportunity? What if you could quantify risks in dollar terms – and manage them precisely? It might make you think about them more opportunistically – as something you had more control over and could leverage strategically. That’s the promise of risk quantification…