7 tools for mastering organizational listening

Of the skills business leaders have to master, organizational listening — not just listening, but organizational listening — is, for most leaders, most of the time, in most situations, the most essential. The art of organizational listening Google “how to listen” and, in approximately .023 seconds (depending on bandwidth), you’ll find yourself inundated with a…

Industry clouds lay foundation for innovation

At Cleveland Clinic, CIO Matthew Kull is seeking to marry two vastly different disciplines: medicine and marketing. He’s succeeding with the help of a new industry cloud that takes care of essential tasks for healthcare providers while enabling Cleveland Clinic to look at patients through a marketing lens. “Patients have healthcare records, but they are…

Bionic Eye, Disease Control, Time Crystal Research Powered by IO500 Top Storage Systems

In what’s quickly becoming the de facto benchmarking standard for HPC storage, the IO500 named several Dell-based systems including those from CSIRO in Australia, Simon Fraser University in Canada, and Stanford University in the US. These supercomputers power exciting innovations in deep learning, disease control, and physics—think bionic eyes, DNA sequencing for infectious disease research,…

Digital Twin Use Races Ahead at McLaren Group

Driving 200+ miles an hour, Formula 1 racing cars built by the UK’s McLaren Group have a lot more in common today with fruit flies (a favorite among researchers with an accelerated lifespan of one to two weeks) than cheetahs (the fastest land animal). The company is applying winning insights from rapid, data-driven, evolutionary models…

Catherine Luelo – DSI du Canada : gérer les besoins informatiques d’une nation

Quand elle était cadre chez WestJet, Catherine Luelo a supervisé l’installation d’un nouveau système informatique de réservation. Résultat? Le changement a causé la fermeture du site de la compagnie pendant des jours. Cette expérience a été une dure leçon, mais lui a permis d’acquérir les compétences requises pour gérer le déploiement de vastes systèmes; et…

CIO playbook: Collaborating with business leaders on their IT spend

Digital transformations are not just about technology, they’re also about business change. As technology increasingly permeates every aspect of the enterprise, the lines are blurring, with business unit employees frequently becoming business technologists and purchasing their own software and services. Nearly three-quarters (74%) of technology purchases are funded, at least in part, by business units…

Running both IT and digital at Alorica

Alorica is a privately-owned and operated provider of customer experience solutions to Fortune 500 and digitally-native companies, and employs approximately 100,000 people globally. The company operates a global hybrid model—both on site and through a work-at-home platform—and provides a range of solutions from customer care to financial solutions and customized digital services. As such, the…