The post-quantum cryptography conundrum

Business leaders may have heard of quantum computing, but many are not yet aware of its incipient threat to cryptography and cryptocurrency. When these machines reach a sufficient level of performance, they will be able to easily factor prime numbers, which poses a threat to RSA. Only a few realize that the time to prepare…

CIOs heed the call for customer-centric IT

Customer experience (CX) has always been vital for the success of any business — and the pandemic has only reinforced its importance. Research from global management consulting company McKinsey shows that organizations enhancing CX can boost sales by up to 7% and profitability by 1% to 2%, while improving overall shareholder returns by 7% to…

ODC-Noord: The Netherland’s northernmost government data center is committed to a zero carbon future

One of four government data centers in the Netherlands, Overheidsdatacenter Noord (ODC-Noord), the northernmost facility of its kind in The Netherlands, is located in the picturesque city of Groningen. With nearly 140 employees, the high-performance data center provides government agencies with mission-critical compute, storage, and networking solutions needed to provide important services to citizens. Offering…

Metal recycling for a better planet

Galloo is a Western European company headquartered in Belgium, founded in 1939 with the noble purpose of processing discarded consumer goods and factory scrap into useful raw materials. Every year, the company gives a second life to more than 1 million tonnes of steel and more than 60,000 tonnes of metals, ensuring an environmental impact…

9 ways to avoid falling prey to AI washing

In recent months, artificial intelligence has been everyone’s favorite buzzword. Both Silicon Valley startups and Fortune 500 companies see industries revolutionize as AI steadily picks up pace. But excitement, progress, and red flags like AI washing, are developing in equal measure. Some businesses, desperate to get on the gravy train, want to cash in on…

Digitizing in tough times: ‘Support users, not systems’

The construction industry was one of the first affected by Sweden’s recent economic deterioration, and housing construction has also slowed down over the past year. “We notice the macroeconomic effects with both cost inflation and higher interest rates,” says Peab group CIO Klas Antoni. “That means we generally have an increased cost focus now and are…

3 ways Generative AI is transforming the retail industry

Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools such as Azure OpenAI have been drawing attention in recent months, and there is widespread consensus that these technologies can significantly transform the retail industry. The most well-known GenAI application is ChatGPT, an AI agent that can generate a human-like conversational response to a query. Other well-known GenAI applications can…