Danes targeted by malware spread through Dropbox

Earlier this week, Danish-speaking users were hit by malware spread through Dropbox, but the company responded quickly to shut down the attack. According to a research report by AppRiver, the attack hit Denmark, Germany, and several surrounding Scandinavian countries on Wednesday morning. The attack was unusual in that it narrowly targeted a specific audience, said…

Newer car tech opens doors to CIA attacks

The revelation through Wikileaks that the CIA has explored hacking vehicle computer control systems should concern consumers, particularly as more and more cars and trucks roll off assembly lines with autonomous features. “I think it’s a legitimate concern considering all of the computers being added to cars,” said Kit Walsh, a staff attorney with the…

Google tries to beat AWS at cloud security

Google knows that if enterprises are going to move their critical services to its cloud, then it has to offer something that AWS doesn’t. At Google Cloud Next, the company’s leadership made the case that Google Cloud was the most secure cloud. At the conference this week, Google unveiled tools that would let IT teams…

5G plans just hit the accelerator

The international body crafting the 5G standard has approved an accelerated roadmap that could see large-scale trials and deployments in 2019 instead of 2020. At a meeting this week in Dubrovnik, Croatia, the 3GPP signed off on a 5G work plan that several top mobile operators and network vendors came out in favor of last…

Intel's PC chief talks about 5G, changes in chip design

Intel surprised many observers when the company hired outsider Venkata Renduchintala to lead the company’s PC, Internet of Things, and Systems Architecture groups. With more than a year under his belt, he’s spearheading a cultural change inside the company, getting employees to think beyond PCs and talk about technologies like 5G and IoT. There’s been…

Target names new CISO to replace Brad Maiorino

Target has promoted Rich Agostino to CISO, following the departure of Brad Maiorino, who moves to Booz Allen Hamilton’s U.S. commercial business. Maiorino, whom Target hired from General Motors to mitigate a major cybersecurity breach in June 2014, hired Agostino from General Electric as his vice president of information security in September 2014. Target Rich…