Quicken shifts to software subscription model

Quicken last month moved to a software-by-subscription model for Canadian customers, and may do the same for those in the U.S. who rely on the personal finance program. Unlike a pilot program that launched in April 2016, the Quicken subscription is not a pure cloud-based service, but relies on software installed locally on a Windows…

Mozilla to nail Firefox's NPAPI coffin in four weeks

Mozilla in four weeks will bar plug-ins built using a decades-old technology from Firefox, ending a years-long process designed to make the browser more secure. The single exception to the ban: Adobe’s Flash Player, which will continue to run, with limitations, in Firefox. Mozilla’s plug-in prohibition will apply to NPAPI plug-ins, (Netscape Plug-in Application Programming…

A Windows Cloud build just leaked, and this is what we learned

Microsoft’s mysterious Windows Cloud is supposedly a stripped-down version of Microsoft’s operating system that runs only Windows Store apps. Microsoft’s not commenting, but an early build that leaked over the weekend appears to be authentic and gives further tantalizing hints of what the company may have in mind.  Windows Cloud intrigues Microsoft watchers because of its uncanny resemblance to…