What is NoOps? The quest for fully automated IT operations

Automation has become a widely used tool for streamlining IT operations, and Mindtree is one such organization removing manual processes from its infrastructure as it moves toward delivering a more fully automated environment. The consulting and managed service provider’s strategy follows an ambitious goal prevalent in many tech organizations: To get away from the conventional…

How to better integrate IT security and IT strategy

Information security has become such an integral part of IT that at a growing number of organizations, the two are virtually indistinguishable — from an organizational standpoint. Many companies are attempting to more tightly integrate IT security strategy with IT strategy. That can mean blending departments, changing leadership structures, and embedding security earlier in the…

Identifying high-risk patients with predictive analytics

One of the more challenging aspects of emergency department (ED) healthcare is determining which patients to admit for observation and which patients to send home. One healthcare system is tackling that challenge with predictive analytics. Unnecessary hospitalizations cause numerous problems: longer wait times, a lack of beds for the patients that really need them, wasted…

7 ways IT leaders derail their careers

The moment typically arrives without warning. An IT career that showed every sign of success — steady promotions, salary increases, a better office — suddenly slams to a halt. You’re fired, demoted or involuntarily plateaued. What happened? It’s impossible to rebuild a broken career without first understanding how it was derailed. The “Success Express” frequently…

AR/VR gets real: 4 promising pilots of augmented reality and virtual reality in business

Industrial manufacturers have long led the way in adopting augmented reality (AR) solutions, with engineers and service technicians leveraging wearables to access information hands-free. But extended reality (XR), the catch-all phrase for augmented reality (AR), virtual reality and mixed reality (MR), is emerging in retail, consumer packaged goods and other sectors as a tool to…

What is data science? Transforming data into value

Data science definition Data science is a method for gleaning insights from structured and unstructured data using approaches ranging from statistical analysis to machine learning. For most organizations, data science is employed to transform data into value in the form improved revenue, reduced costs, business agility, improved customer experience, the development of new products, and…