Cyber Hygiene, Analytics, and the User Experience

There’s already been a lot written about the persistent tension between operations and security. The security team’s mission is protecting the business from malicious activity, and that sometimes means locking systems down. The operations team’s mission is to maximize the business’s ability to do business on their IT systems, including managing software and configurations.  Then,…

Accelerating business through collaboration

Being able to collaborate with colleagues online has been essential for businesses to survive during the COVID pandemic. But the truth is, it’s essential to every business, pandemic or not.  As many businesses know, collaboration tools don’t always do what they say on the box; what sounds good on a spec sheet doesn’t always translate…

The tech behind the future of work

It’s hard to believe that just a couple of years ago, video calls were mainly something people headed to a dedicated meeting room for. Now, for many of us, it’s every meeting, every day, on any of our devices. Although the world has jumped on video meetings at record speed, anyone who has sat on…

Securing the front-line

Cyber attacks are big business for scammers, and frontline workers – 80% of the global workforce* – are a ripe target. It’s a common scenario, played out in retail, healthcare, manufacturing, logistics… a worker uses a computer that’s left logged in, or alternatively, asks a coworker ‘what’s the login?’   Then they jump on to get their task…

Solving the technology gap at the front line

One of the success stories that emerged from within the pandemic was how easily office-based workers were able to easily shift their work to home. In contrast, frontline workers were limited in their ability to work flexibly, even within their worksite. Globally, 80% of the workforce are frontline workers – they are the retail sales…

How to do security like Google

Google started in the cloud and runs on the cloud, so it’s no surprise that we fully understand the security implications of powering your business in the cloud. It’s not an understatement to say that security is literally at the core of every discussion, product development and platform we have. It could not be more…

CIOs spell out top tech priorities for 2022

CIOs seeking to impact their organizations in 2022 will double down on automation and actionable intelligence. They will also continue to lean heavily on the cloud and collaboration tools, two IT priorities that rose to prominence in navigating the pandemic for the past 21 months. That’s according to recent interviews with CIOs regarding their strategic…

Data-Driven Decision Making

Data-driven decision making (DDDM) is just what it sounds like. DDDM uses facts, metrics, and data to guide strategic business decisions that align with goals, objectives, and priorities. If organizations can realize the full value of their data, everyone is empowered to make better decisions. When you look at why IT analytics and DDDM exist,…