SAP will shut down SAP Anywhere service for SMBs

SAP has decided to “sunset” a front-office service with which it hoped to crack the small business market. Launched in May 2016, SAP Anywhere was supposed to help small companies build online stores, create marketing campaigns, manage inventory and analyze business performance. To achieve this it offered integrations with web services from Google, PayPal and…

11 outsourcing myths debunked

Even as CIOs enter their third generation of IT services deals, misconceptions persist about the practice of IT outsourcing. Worse, new illusions have begun to emerge as outsourcing approaches have evolved. Achieving desired outcomes when working with third-party providers depends on clear-eyed understanding of what’s possible and what’s not, what responsibilities remain with the buyer…

The human side of implementing AI

What’s keeping the company where you work from implementing AI? Larry Lefkowitz, chief scientist for AI practice at tech consultancy Sapient, says only 20 percent of businesses use AI at scale. “AI adoption is in its infancy,” he explains. “Clearly AI is hot … but it’s also clear that it’s not being adapted and adopted…

SAP settles licensing dispute with AB InBev

SAP has quietly settled its $600 million software licensing dispute with Anheuser-Busch, the U.S. subsidiary of beverage conglomerate AB InBev. “The parties settled the dispute on 30 June 2017 and the matter is now closed,” AB InBev said in its 2017 Annual Report, published Tuesday. [ Comparison shopping? See “The best ERP systems:10 enterprise resource…

IDG Contributor Network: Lessons from M&A IT: How to use a value creation approach to drive your IT agenda

In most cases, CIOs rightly focus on aligning IT strategy with the overall strategy for the business, and they attempt to meet those objectives in the most efficient manner possible. However, management’s short-term financial targets (eg. quarterly earnings) often force IT leaders to look for quick solutions to meet specific problems, as opposed to building…