10 ways to improve IT performance (without killing morale)

Every IT leader seeks faster, more efficient department performance. After all, when IT underperforms, it hurts business operations and stifles innovation. A lackluster IT department also limits an enterprise’s ability to meet changing market demands, lengthens the time required to develop and release new products and services, and ultimately degrades customer satisfaction. Fortunately, improving performance…

6 hot digital transformation trends — and 4 going cold

Digital transformation has moved beyond a nice-to-have to let’s get cracking. Once a top priority for early adopters and cutting-edge enterprises, digital transformation has moved into the mainstream. Few would argue that digital transformation initiatives are vital to the success of their organization. In fact, 64 percent of respondents to a 2017 Constellation Research survey…

IDG Contributor Network: How to leverage weather to build a disaster recovery plan

Each year, business continuity and disaster recovery professionals must plan for an increasing array of threats. As risks expand and diversify, professionals must incorporate more in-depth information into their disaster recovery plans to best prepare for the worst scenarios. While our recent business continuity survey found that cybersecurity is the top risk on most professionals’…

5 early warning signs of project failure

Project failure is costly. While the Project Management Institute (PMI) last year reported that a 20 percent decrease in project failure rates versus the previous year, the amount of money lost to failed projects remains staggering, with an average of $97 million for every $1 billion invested in projects going to waste. There are many…

9 ways to get more value from business intelligence in 2018

For far too many organizations, “business intelligence” brings to mind simple statistical summaries in stodgy, dated reports. But beneath BI’s dull surface, keen insights await — especially for those willing to revamp their business intelligence strategy to tackle the kinds of issues forward-thinking organizations are already addressing with modern BI. Whether you are looking to…

AI’s biggest risk factor: Data gone wrong

Artificial intelligence and machine learning promise to radically transform many industries, but they also pose significant risks — many of which are yet to be discovered, given that the technology is only now beginning to be rolled out in force. There have already been a number of public, and embarrassing, examples of AI gone bad.…