12 ways to motivate IT staff

In a tight market for tech talent, IT leaders are increasingly looking for ways to build and retain high-performing teams. And while philosophies and processes for doing so differ, the central factor for success remains the same: motivation. Motivating staff to give their best requires finding first what motivates them. A recent study by Stack…

IDG Contributor Network: Choosing the right collaboration technology for workplace connectivity

Communications and collaboration technology tools are worthless and ineffective if they don’t facilitate or support workplace connectivity. Speaking with business leaders and technology decision-makers has made it clear that collaboration tools suffer low adoption when they don’t support how people actually work together or connect. If a tool creates friction in workplace communications, it is…

4 signs your delegation style is hurting your team

I’m a firm believer in letting your leaders lead — hiring capable, experienced, whip-smart people and then stepping back and allowing them to do their jobs. This level of independence and self-sufficiency can mean the difference between a truly effective, high-performing team and the shadow of one. The goal of this leadership style is to…

10 IT certs paying the highest premiums today

IT certifications can boost your career, but it’s not always easy to tell which certifications hold the most value for your resume. Moreover, the pay associated any given certification can fluctuate based on business interest in the credential and the supply of IT pros who hold it. To help gauge certification values, Foote Partners tracks…

Your guide to top tech conferences 2019

So many technology conferences, so little time. Maybe you’re looking to stay on top of emerging trends in your industry, or get a read on what your customers are excited about. Perhaps you’re actively networking for customers, vendors or even a new job. Or you might simply be looking to gather with your peers in…