11 red flags to watch for when hiring

It’s a hiring worst-case scenario: A job candidate aces every aspect of the interview process, but after joining the company, they can’t get the job done. Or perhaps worse, the new coworker is capable but so disruptive the rest of the team suffers. It happens. Even when resumes and references check out, the hiring process…

Amazon’s biased AI recruiting tool gets scrapped

“History is written by the victors,” Winston Churchill famously said. (The irony, I’m sure, was unintentional; Churchill himself being one of those ‘victors’ who, while best known for leading Western Europe through WWII, was a white, straight, cis-het man with violent imperialist ambitions and was unabashedly racist.) In artificial intelligence (AI), too, it seems, future…

Privacy Shield review: Prepare for the worst

CIOs should hope for the best but prepare for the worst when transferring personal information across the Atlantic. That’s the advice of experts watching the European Commission conduct its second annual review of the Privacy Shield data-sharing agreement. Privacy Shield allows businesses to export the personal information of their customers or employees to the U.S.…

G6 Hospitality finds room to grow in AWS cloud

Jessie Burgess has learned a valuable lesson over the past few years: You can only duck digital disruption for so long; eventually those legacy systems catch up with you. That’s why the CIO of G6 Hospitality, parent company to Motel 6 and Studio 6 hotel brands, is migrating critical business applications from creaky on-premises systems…

5 types of outsourcing providers — and how to get the most from them

As corporate technology leaders pursue their digital transformation strategies, many are looking to IT service providers as potential partners in those change efforts. However, a one-size-fits-all approach to outsourcing providers is not likely to serve CIOs well in meeting innovation goals. In fact, bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better in the digital change era. “Traditionally, size…

6 essential competencies for digital executives

What makes a great leader? Although there’s no single set of personality traits, background experiences or talents that can predict who can lead effectively, there are certain leadership competencies that all good leaders and executives have mastered. An understanding of your organization’s products, market position and technology stack is fundamental. So too is a focus…