Uber finally agrees to reveal diversity data

Uber Technologies has agreed to provide next month its diversity data, which it had earlier declined to make public. Representatives of the ride hailing company will disclose the information at the PUSHTech2020 summit on April 19 in Silicon Valley. The move comes at a time when the company has run into a number of controversies,…

Augmented reality gets a second life in manufacturing

The ungraceful death of the consumer version of Google Glass in 2015 may have had some grieving the early death of augmented reality. But the technology is being resurrected by companies on the manufacturing floor.  Take for example Lockheed Martin. Technicians at the aerospace manufacturer use Microsoft’s Hololens headset to design and examine models of…

FBI director floats international framework on access to encrypted data

FBI director James Comey has suggested that an international agreement between governments could ease fears about IT products with government-mandated backdoors, but privacy advocates are doubtful. Speaking on Thursday, Comey suggested that the U.S. might work with other countries on a “framework” for creating legal access to encrypted tech devices. “I could imagine a community of…

Instagram adds two-factor authentication, censors photos that are deemed offensive or disturbing

When in doubt, blur it out. That’s how Instagram is handling any controversial photos that surface on its platform. On Thursday, Instagram announced a new policy to blur out “sensitive” content that users have flagged as either offensive or disturbing. The blurred photos and videos do not explicitly violate Instagram’s content guidelines, so they don’t warrant…