5 tips for remote IT onboarding

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the way we get work done, with employees across the world working remotely. And, while some companies are laying off workers or shuttering their doors, others have found themselves in a hiring pinch, scrambling to recruit and onboard enough workers to meet increased demands. If your company is facing the…

The art (and science) of the IT project pivot

Agility and resiliency are skills that have become big buzzwords these days, but so is the ability to pivot. Arguably, the biggest project pivot for all CIOs in the past few months was stopping what they were doing to move their organizations to full remote work virtually overnight, after the COVID-19 pandemic began. That’s different…

7 attributes to look for in a deputy IT leader

The CIO role is expanding quickly. No longer a tactical leader supporting the IT stack, the CIO has become a pivotal co-creator with business leaders. With so much at stake and on their plates, IT leaders need a dependable second-in-command, someone who can offer advice, handle critical IT, business and personnel tasks and, most importantly,…

The CIO’s return to the workplace playbook

Business kept rolling at SUEZ North America despite pandemic stay-at-home orders this spring. Essential employees delivering water and wastewater service still had to operate their systems and monitor water quality, while the IT team ensured that remote working tools were functional for the rest of the company. “It’s been a pretty wild ride over the…