9 most in-demand IT jobs in manufacturing

The manufacturing industry is experiencing its “fourth industrial revolution,” with manufacturers focused on leveraging IT to stay competitive and meet the demand for digital services that can enhance their physical wares. Sensors, AI, and robotics are key Manufacturing 4.0 technologies that fueled data strategies aimed at identifying inefficiencies, streamlining processes, and improving the ability to…

7 tell-tale signs of fake agile

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck. The same is not true, sadly, for many agile project management and development initiatives. Too often, an organization may launch something that looks like an agile program, calls itself an agile program, claims to operate…

How to Build Security and Resilience into Your Digital Transformation

Cyber risk is increasingly a top executive priority, due in large part to the rising number of unplanned outages, driven by the increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks and widening skills gap. Consider these facts: 69% of board of directors accelerated their digital business initiatives following COVID-19 disruption[1] 73% of organizations are increasing spending for data protection because…

Episode 2: How Data is Empowering Life Sciences and Healthcare

Technology is changing how healthcare and life sciences organizations operate.  With more information and analytics to find the “meaning” from the data resource, these organizations are making breakthroughs in therapies, discoveries, and patient outcomes.  This blog details the key points from a recent podcast with Richard Kramer, Chief Strategist Healthcare and Life Sciences at Informatica. …

Organizations Turn to Open-Source Software to Improve HPC and AI Applications

High performance computing (HPC) is becoming mainstream for organizations, spurred on by their increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics. A 2021 study by Insersect360 Research found that 81% of organizations that use HPC reported they are running AI and machine learning or are planning to implement them soon. It’s happening globally and contributing to worldwide spending…