“기후 변화가 에너지 시장에 충격” 블룸버그NEF

”인간 활동으로 인한 배출, 즉 인위적 배출은 전 세계적으로 날씨 패턴을 변화시키고 있다. 이러한 기상 이변은 원자재 시장에까지 영향을 미치고 있다. 극심한 기상 이변은 인프라를 교란시키고 전력 수요 급증을 초래할 수 있다.” 블룸버그NEF(BloombergNEF)가 블로그에 공개한 ‘기후 변화가 미국 에너지 시장을 재편하는 5가지 방법’을 통해 에너지 시장의 변화를 조망했다. 이러한 조짐과 변화는 비단 미국만이 겪는 문제가…

How the world can tackle the power demands of artificial intelligence

The world must reshape its technology infrastructure to ensure artificial intelligence makes good on its potential as a transformative moment in digital innovation. New technologies, such as generative AI, need huge amounts of processing power that will put electricity grids under tremendous stress and raise sustainability questions. But pioneering technologists are working on a potential…

The power of unified data storage with generative AI

The promise of generative AI (genAI) is undeniable, but the volume and complexity of the data involved pose significant challenges. Unlike traditional AI models that rely on predefined rules and datasets, genAI algorithms, such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and transformers, can learn and generate new data from scratch. Training these models requires high-quality, diverse…

The role of governance in AI: Building trust

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is hot property when it comes to investment, but there’s a pronounced hesitancy around adoption. AI faces a fundamental trust challenge due to uncertainty over safety, reliability, transparency, bias, and ethics. In a recent global survey, 86% of participants said their organizations had dedicated budget to generative AI, but three-quarters admitted…