The Future of Machine Learning in Cybersecurity

Machine learning (ML) is a commonly used term across nearly every sector of IT today. And while ML has frequently been used to make sense of big data—to improve business performance and processes and help make predictions—it has also proven priceless in other applications, including cybersecurity. This article will share reasons why ML has risen…

3 Ways to Make Storage a Strategic Asset for Your Organization (Not Just an IT Cost)

C-level executives are most interested in strategic assets and initiatives that will advance, transform, and grow their enterprises. They continually want to make “cost centers” more efficient and more cost-effective, while investing in what will accelerate, empower, and protect the business operations and its customer base. Because data and digital technology have become so integral…

How Threat Modeling Can Improve Agile Development

How do attackers exploit applications? Simply put, they look for entry points not expected by the developer. By expecting as many potential entry points as possible, developers can build with security in mind and plan appropriate countermeasures. This is called threat modeling. It’s an important activity in the design phase of applications, as it shapes…

How Technology Can Speed the Medical Review Process

Despite a push for automation across businesses of all kinds, the compliance review process for medical, educational, and promotional materials created for healthcare professionals and patients remains largely manual. As an increased number of drugs are being launched, a proportionately higher number of promotional assets are being created. This high volume of promotional assets, combined…