EXL Code Harbor streamlines platform migration, data governance, and workflow assessment

With their outdated technology and high costs, legacy codebases hold enterprises back. But in many cases, the prospect of migrating to modern cloud native, open source languages1  seems even worse. Migration projects typically require significant time and money. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools have emerged to help, but many businesses fear they will expose their intellectual…

Strategies for telecom executives: navigating the OPEX conundrum

As the market becomes increasingly competitive and technology evolves rapidly, telecommunications industry leaders must find ways to achieve more with less — managing operating expenses (OPEX) without sacrificing critical capabilities. This balancing act is especially difficult in a capital-intensive industry like telecom, where infrastructure investments and IT systems are crucial for ongoing operations. In this…

8 reasons your cloud costs are too high

Nobody wants to waste money on cloud services. But by failing to fully address a handful of basic issues, many IT leaders squander funds on cloud services that could be used to support other important projects and initiatives — especially as AI comes along to alter the cloud economics equation. Is your organization needlessly throwing…