Product-based IT: A blueprint for success

For veteran CIO Amir Arooni, the aha moment came during a master’s dissertation deep dive into why there were so many IT project failures. Digging through research examining the impact of standard conventions like siloed teams and staged gate processes, Arooni began percolating ideas for how to shift IT organizations away from the traditional project-oriented…

12 famous ERP disasters, dustups and disappointments

With enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) applications at the heart of many a company’s operations, the consequences of a failed software rollout can be serious, including shareholder lawsuits and financial meltdown. But after a spate of high-profile failures, there are signs that vendors and customers are working hard to ensure the success of their ERP…

To Unlock the Power of AIOps for Digital Transformation, Choose the Right Platform and Use Cases

The digital transformation bandwagon is a crowded one, with enterprises of all kinds heeding the call to modernize. The pace has only quickened in a post-pandemic age of enhanced digital collaboration and remote work. Nonetheless, 70% of digital transformation projects fall short of their goals, as organizations struggle to implement complex new technologies across the…

With Better Business Transaction Monitoring, Enterprises Move Away From Manual Tasks, Curb Revenue Loss

An organization depends on its financial institution to complete a major transaction, but a glitch holds up funds, negatively impacting cash flow. Meanwhile, regulators fined a different financial institution for failing to catch fraudulent transactions. In both situations, better business transaction monitoring could have helped prevent negative, costly outcomes. In the former, more seamless monitoring…

Mapping a Cloud Strategy for 2023

Developing a strategy for controlling hard-to-predict cloud costs, remains difficult, especially when considering the new decentralized model of procurement. Consider this: “Any person who can commit code to the cloud can commit your organization to spend,” said Jennifer Hays, senior vice president of engineering efficiency and assurance at Fidelity Investments and the FinOps Foundation’s governance…

Regeneron turns to IT to accelerate drug discovery

For pharmaceutical companies in the digital era, intense pressure to achieve medical miracles falls as much on the shoulders of CIOs as on lead scientists. Rigid requirements to ensure the accuracy of data and veracity of scientific formulas as well as machine learning algorithms and data tools are common in modern laboratories. When Bob McCowan…