How to get started with AI to speed software delivery

Artificial intelligence has so dominated headlines and conversations that it seems like every company is announcing their own AI-related feature, solution, or initiative for their business. And you wouldn’t be wrong: the latest McKinsey Global survey shows that organizations are most commonly using generative AI (gen AI). In fact, 40% of those reporting AI adoption…

PCI compliance: The best defense is a great defense

Sophisticated criminal syndicates, rogue nation states and a global community of nefarious attackers are all eager to pilfer valuable data, including payment card information. Not surprisingly, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance is crucially important.  Updating the PCI DSS is likewise critical. Slated to go into effect after the current PCI DSS…

Is it time to install a Chief AI Officer?

Pick any tech trend that takes business by storm—the Internet, smartphones, mobile applications—and what initially started as hype, which we now recognize is vastly understated. Today, you could add generative AI to that list. As organizations scramble to incorporate GenAI into their portfolios, industry experts are calling for corporate boards to appoint a leader who…

The strategy behind becoming a manufacturing superpower

What do the top manufacturing countries have in common? Their manufacturing industries are laser-focused on melding IT with OT to create the smartest digital production lines possible. The world of manufacturing is undergoing a quiet revolution: the integration of Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT). These two domains have traditionally been separate – IT has provided…