Achieve digital effectiveness

Discover how continuous digital optimization can drive positive business outcomes, boost revenue, and supercharge your workforce. Here are the four key advantages: Increased agility and flexibility Digital tools and solutions empower employees to work remotely, which ensures seamless operations in diverse locations. It enables collaborative work across geographically scattered teams and departments, fostering innovation and…

Solving the top 3 IT challenges of anywhere work

The workforce is no longer bound to the traditional workplace, requiring you to transform your organization’s ways of working. Here’s how the right Managed Services provider can help ensure successful IT transformation and allow your workforce to perform at their best. Securing endpoints for remote workers The majority of remote workers tend to use their…

MWC 2024 Replay: Huawei unlocks resilient, ‘non-stop’ banking with four-pronged solutions strategy

With the goal to enhance intelligence in the digital banking arena, Huawei has unveiled a new framework to bolster infrastructure resilience. Speaking at Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona, Jason Cao, Huawei’s CEO of Digital Finance BU, acknowledged that digital financial services are “booming” and that the rise of open architecture as well as emerging…

Dell cuts jobs amid growing economic uncertainties

Reflecting a wider industry trend, Dell has revealed workforce reductions, attributing this decision to the ongoing macroeconomic environment that continues to affect demand across the sector. In its latest filing, the company said it continued executing cost management measures, “including limiting external hiring, employee reorganizations, and other actions” to align its investments with strategic priorities…

Salesforce adds Contact Center updates to Service Cloud

Salesforce has announced new Contact Center updates to its Service Cloud — an offering targeted at bettering customer experience and boosting the productivity of service teams. The new updates to the Contact Center include features such as conversation mining and generative AI-driven survey summarization among other features.   Dubbed Einstein Conversation Mining, one of the…

7 modi per rendere le IT operation più efficienti

Nessun CIO vuole essere alla guida di un’organizzazione IT inefficiente: è un dato di fatto. Tuttavia, a causa della disattenzione o della conduzione di pratiche obsolete, l’IT può diventare progressivamente inefficiente e improduttivo. Il perseguimento dell’efficienza nell’IT dovrebbe essere un processo continuo, non un evento una tantum, afferma Robert Orshaw, global cloud operate leader di…






  • パートナーやベンダーは、深く効果的なレベルの技術的交流と知識を持たなければならない。トレーニングやサポートは、プロジェクトの重要性に見合ったレベルで実施されなければならない。
  • ベンダーと顧客の方程式にパートナーを加えても、責任の押し付け合いになってはならない。顧客を中間に置くことは、過去にもうまくいったことはないし、今もうまくいかないだろう。
  • 関係のすべては透明でなければならない。責任、報酬、役割、コミットメントを詳細に、最初に明示する必要がある。これは、設計、配備、運用の各段階において、新しいテクノロジーが旧来のテクノロジーよりも多くの変動要素を持つ可能性がある場合に、特に重要になる。

急速な変化のスピードは、一向に衰える気配がない。 そして、組織がこれらの新しいシステムを使いこなすようになり、より多くのことを要求するようになると、絶え間ないアップグレードと機能強化が必要になる。 その結果、熟練した人材の必要性が高まる。 重要なベンダーと協力し、効果的な戦略計画を立てることが、成功の中心となる。


Read More from This Article: 新たなデジタル・ソリューションの潮流がもたらす顧客とベンダーのパートナーシップに新たなアプローチ
Source: News

Why Internet Performance Monitoring is the new frontier in a distributed world

The landscape of applications and their delivery has undergone a dramatic transformation. Applications are no longer standalone entities but are now intricate collections of services, APIs, and distributed applications across various cloud environments.  This ecosystem relies heavily on core internet services such as DNS and BGP, while networks have evolved to embrace a variety of…