3 tips for combatting not-invented-here syndrome

While there are several culture-related issues that can be barriers to innovation, one of the most common is not-invented-here (NIH) syndrome. NIH syndrome is the condition where internal project teams will often reject the majority of ideas since they come from the outside. This applies not only to ideas coming from outside the organization, but…

10 impediments to IT innovation

Innovation is a CIO imperative, with a majority of IT leaders saying they’ve become the primary champions of digital transformation within their organizations. There are, however, many impediments that could stymie CIOs and their IT teams from delivering on that expectation for innovation. The challenges of managing day-to-day operations, enabling cross-functional teams, and moving great…

7 techniques to enhance your power to persuade

As an IT executive, your ability to influence others in the workplace is an essential component of professional success. Just think of all the times you need the assistance or approval of your C-suite peers to achieve your objectives. This includes everything from gaining the support of your business partners on an important IT initiative…

What is sentiment analysis? Using NLP and ML to extract meaning

Sentiment analysis defined Sentiment analysis is analytical technique that uses statistics, natural language processing, and machine learning to determine the emotional meaning of communications. Companies use sentiment analysis to evaluate customer messages, call center interactions, online reviews, social media posts, and other content. Sentiment analysis can track changes in attitudes towards companies, products, or services,…

7 signs your IT training sucks

In today’s rapidly evolving IT world, having a highly trained staff is as important as taking advantage of the latest technologies and management practices. Yet despite the efficiency, productivity, and competitive benefits an expert team generates, many CIOs fail to pay sufficient attention to their organization’s training strategy, overseeing programs that, frankly… really kind of…