Operationalizing CNAPP: Your key to mature cloud security

More and more, we’re seeing businesses shift operations to the cloud. While the pandemic accelerated migration rates as companies sought to better support remote workers, the cloud had been gaining popularity for years thanks to its agility, scalability, and cost-efficiency advantages. Today, 94% of companies around the world use some form of cloud services. However,…

AWS offers new AI certifications

With a shortage of IT workers with AI skills looming, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is offering two new certifications to help enterprises building AI applications on its platform to find the necessary talent. One of the certifications, AWS Certified AI Practitioner, is a foundational-level certification to help workers from a variety of backgrounds to demonstrate…

Making the shift from computation to cognition

Once perceived as an abstract concept, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and generative AI (genAI) have become more normalized as organizations look at ways to implement them into their tech stack. From improving the customer experience to enabling intelligence-driven business decisions, organizations recognize the need for AI to thrive in today’s digital economy. The annual Google Cloud…

Rebranding IT for the modernized IT mission

A 1958 Harvard Business Review article coined the term information technology, focusing their definition on rapidly processing large amounts of information, using statistical and mathematical methods in decision-making, and simulating higher order thinking through applications. That definition was well ahead of its time and forecasted the current era’s machine learning and generative AI capabilities. Despite…

Únicamente el 3% de los trabajadores de TI cuenta con una certificación en IA

En un escenario cada vez más digitalizado y automatizado, la importancia de la formación en inteligencia artificial (IA) se torna más evidente que nunca. Según se desprende de una reciente encuesta realizada por la asociación internacional ISACA, únicamente el 3% de los trabajadores de tecnologías de la información (TI) poseen actualmente un certificado en habilidades de…

Así puede proteger su transformación digital de la erosión del valor

Los programas de transformación digital prometen una gran cantidad de ventajas, pero los retos imprevistos pueden anular el valor cuantificable. Una planificación cuidadosa y una evaluación holística de las propuestas de sus socios de integración de sistemas (SI) son pasos fundamentales en su iniciativa de transformación. Es importante identificar claramente qué valor espera obtener de…

Anticipating Tomorrow: Preparing for AI-Driven digital transformation at the upcoming IDC Saudi Arabia CIO Summit 2024

Saudi Arabia’s rapid stride towards digital transformation is propelled by a concerted effort between the government and private sectors. With Vision 2030 as its guiding light, the Kingdom is embarking on ambitious projects, steering its course towards a tech-driven future. Collaborative initiatives are underway, aiming to harness the power of innovation and technology to realize…