Why AI is key to hiring and retaining developers

By Bryan Kirschner, Vice President, Strategy at DataStax It’s high time to treat HR as every bit as important to your company’s artificial intelligence strategy as IT. Alongside all the evidence that getting your developers working on AI is good for your business, there’s mounting proof that even providing the opportunity to work on—and work…

4 hard truths of multivendor outsourcing

How many IT services vendors do you rely on? Splitting responsibility for the IT organization into multiple outsourcing vendors, overseen (or overlooked in some unfortunate cases) by a small IT management team, has become a popular practice. Hardly “best practice” — a meaningless but popular justification for doing things a certain way — but popular…

Closing the gender gap: What needs to be done

Companies around the world are being urged to close the digital gender gap, especially after International Women’s Day. Although progress has been made, the gap remains in many countries, prompting questions about whether those in the industry are doing enough to address it. The development of new technologies has created demand for specialized workers with…

How can CIOs protect Personal Identifiable Information (PII) for a new class of data consumers?

Industries increasingly rely on data and AI to enhance processes and decision-making. However, they face a significant challenge in ensuring privacy due to sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in most enterprise datasets. Safeguarding PII is not a new problem. Conventional IT and data teams query data containing PII, but only a select few require access.…