5 interview tips for winning over job candidates

Don’t talk too much about your personal life. Don’t come across as overly aggressive. And never, ever check your phone. This is just some of the advice job experts give applicants interviewing for a position. But when it comes to filling engineering roles, employers might need a little wisdom of their own. After all, tech…

The CIO’s next role: Business co-creator

CIOs long ago shed their perception as order-taking technologists to those with a seat at the executive table, a badge of honor that underscores their arrival as trusted business partners. But to retain this elevated status in an era when businesses are increasingly leaning into digital capabilities, today’s IT leaders must now co-create new products…

10 Signs You're Probably a Techie

Do you have a MacBook running virtualized Windows? Is the Star Trek vs. Star Wars debate not even a debate to you? If so, you might be a “techie” (more on that word later). In Silicon Valley, they’re everywhere and easy enough to spot. At CIO.com, we’ve covered the most techie of tech people for…

Top 7 storage certifications for IT pros

An IT storage professional, who is typically an engineer or an architect, plans and deploys all kinds of storage for small to large organizations, whether it’s on-premises storage area networks (SANs) or network-attached storage (NAS) appliances, or cloud-based storage as a service (STaaS) solutions. This person must also be deeply knowledgeable about networking infrastructures and…

9 C-Level Titles Unique to Healthcare

An industry as large and complex as healthcare lends itself to job titles that you won’t find in any other industry. That’s why healthcare organizations increasingly find value in creating executive roles to oversee a bevy of challenges, from analyzing terabytes of electronic health records (EHR) to helping patients make healthier decisions to adapting to…

8 free tools that teach kids how to code

Kids are growing up with technology in a way that even millennials haven’t experienced. Just watch a toddler navigate an iPad, and it’s clear that technology comes naturally to the newest generation. Because we’ve evolved into this digital world, coding has become integral to companies everywhere, making programming a smart career path for the next…

Estonia CIO outlines country’s plan to embrace AI

There’s plenty that businesses could learn from Estonia’s digital transformation. For years, the country has allowed residents to file their taxes online, and to vote over the internet using government-issued smart ID cards. It has a nationwide system of digital health records, and its land register is also online. These systems are decentralized but interconnected…

Bringing new sources of energy to life at National Grid

With solar, wind, and hydro, the number of energy sources that make up National Grid’s supply chain is growing. Developing frictionless processes to bring energy to customers safely, faster, and easier is a key part of the company’s digital strategy. Andi Karaboutis, chief information and digital officer, discusses that strategy and advises CIOs “not to…