12 bad habits that slow IT to a crawl

It’s time to face a cold, hard fact: Your IT department is too slow. It’s the result of good intentions gone bad, but in business, intentions don’t matter. When is IT too slow? Whenever any part of the business has to wait for IT to deliver the goods, that’s when. The magic buzz phrase these…

IDG Contributor Network: Bimodal transformation: Avoiding five common pitfalls to success

Creating a culture of innovation is not easy. Consider the findings of a study conducted by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services in association with the Genpact Research Institute. Nearly half of respondents (48 percent) cited an inability to experiment quickly as a major obstacle to accelerating the pace and impact of digital transformation. Concern about this…

9 lies CIOs tell themselves

“O what a tangled web we weave,” explained Scottish novelist Walter Scott, “when first we practice to deceive.” But no matter how tangled the web when someone else is the target, it has nothing on the mess that happens when we’re fooling ourselves. And fool ourselves we do — not because we deliberately want to…

IDG Contributor Network: Get your priorities straight before you start applying artificial intelligence in your business solutions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to put you ahead of your peers in the industry. However, like with many opportunities, you have got to be keen at doing the right things in the right order.  On the adoption curve, AI is clearly in the “innovators” stage. The “movers and shakers” at Google, Baidu, Facebook,…

10 early warning signs of ERP disaster

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems weave together software and services from disparate departments into a cohesive, collaborative whole. Companies rely on ERP systems to keep their business operations running smoothly. Without ERP implementations to coordinate purchases, customer orders, financial transactions and beyond, modern business would take a significant step back in efficiency. But the integrated…