Las Vegas CIO shapes city of future on IoT, cloud

After highly publicized accidents and fatalities, most municipal IT execs are waiting for autonomous vehicles to be proven safe beyond any doubt before building next-generation roadways and edge infrastructure for their cities and towns. Not Michael Sherwood, CIO of the City of Las Vegas. He is moving full steam ahead to attract more visitors and…

How the Retail Industry Can Improve the Customer Experience, Increase Safety and Maximize Margins Through Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence

Increasing margins is critical to achieving sustained success in the retail industry.To maximize margins, leaders consider how to run the store more efficiently, how to deliver the best services to customers and how to grow new services. Traditionally, they have used rear-view mirror data to help accomplish these goals—that is, examining historical data from months…

CIO 100 US: 8 award-winning healthcare IT projects

Once a laggard in IT adoption, the healthcare industry now universally embraces digital transformation. Consider the figures: According to a 2022 survey from healthcare consultancy The Chartis Group, 99% of the 143 US health system executives it polled agreed on the importance of investing in digital initiatives. Research points to several drivers that are pushing…