Successful Early Adopters of AI Reveal Best Practices for Design, Deployment and Use

Developing and deploying artificial intelligence (AI) solutions efficiently and successfully in businesses requires a new set of skills, for both individuals and organizations.  In a recent study, over half of companies that have successfully deployed AI applications have embraced an enterprise-wide strategy that is inclusive, open, and pragmatic, using homegrown AI models 90% of the time. They…

High Performance Data Analytics Gains Momentum Across Diverse Enterprise Computing Environments

The benefits of analyzing vast amounts of data, long-term or in real-time, has captured the attention of businesses of all sizes. Big data analytics has moved beyond the rarified domain of government and university research environments equipped with supercomputers to include businesses of all kinds that are using modern high performance computing (HPC) solutions to get…

Is Becoming Data-Driven Worth It? Yes!

Data intelligence helps organizations create new customer experiences, accelerate operations and capitalize on new market opportunities. It also gives them the agility to pivot when the unexpected strikes.  While becoming data-driven makes great sense, some organizations struggle to put it into practice. Adopting a company-wide data culture can be particularly challenging, requiring companies to overhaul…

How CIOs can help reduce supply chain anxieties

Many view today’s supply chains as true marvels of modern existence — push a button and a desired object is delivered to one’s doorstep. Others see modern supply chains disrupting local economies and damaging the environment. Massively complex, interdependent, and subject to disruptions, supply chains were, for the most part just a few years ago,…