Increase Customer Loyalty with Payment Tokenization

Your customers expect their payment experiences to be simple, secure, and consistent, whether they’re buying online, on their devices, or in store. They also want to pay the way that best suits them. Customers are increasingly adopting alternative payment methods, such as eChecks and digital wallets. However, all that choice has made the payment environment…

What IT will look like in 2025

Today’s CIOs need to be more than strategic, they should be visionaries, too. With that in mind, many are already looking ahead and planning for what they, their IT departments, and their organizations as a whole will need in 2025. Todd Cassidy, managing vice president and CIO of associate experience at Capital One, is in…

Episode 3: Unlock Your Modernization Advantage: Your Database

Modernization is on the minds of IT decision makers, and with good reason — legacy systems cannot keep up with the realities of today’s business environment. Additionally,      many organizations are discovering their modernization advantage: their developer teams, and the databases that underpin  their applications. “Legacy modernization is really a strategic initiative that enables you to…

The Multiplier Effort of Edge Computing

Companies capture more data and compute capacity at the edge. At the same time, they are laying the groundwork for a distributed enterprise that can capitalize on a multiplier effect to maximize intended business outcomes. The number of edge sites — factory floors, retail shops, hospitals, and countless other locations — is growing. This gives…

Modernizing Your Mid-Range Storage? Here are 5 Keys to Success

Data is the lifeforce of modern business: It accelerates revenue, fuels innovation, and enhances customer experiences that drive small and mid-size businesses forward, faster. Yet while data-driven modernization is a top priority, achieving it requires confronting a host of data storage challenges that slow you down: management complexity and silos, specialized tools, constant firefighting, complex…